
I’m very happy that I made the decision to study at this university and also because I had the opportunity to go in person for almost a full year. I truly hope we can come back soon! 

However, there are some things that I would like to change in favour of making it more pleasant.

Firstly, I would reduce the length of studies, because in my opinion a lot of time is wasted in subjects that perhaps aren’t so necessary instead of using that time to delving into more specific topics or doing doctorates, as European countries do.

It would be a good idea if the university could improve the places of collective study or if it was possible to increase them. Due to people find it more beneficial to study in groups in order to learn more. But to be able to do this, large tables with enough chairs are needed, nevertheless, there are very few places with these characteristics concerning the number of students.

Last but not least it’s very necessary to have our canteen, as most of the students have lunch in the faculty and we only have the Faculty of Dentistry’s canteen which clearly fills up in less than 20 minutes, and in winter it's challenging to find a place to eat.

On the whole, I know that it is hard to implement even one of these points since it is a state university and it is not easy to finance them.


  1. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  2. The whole reason should be improved in places of study and places to eat

  3. I also agree that there are more places to study and to eat

  4. I agree with you, we need to have our own canteen with enough space :(

  5. This already seems to me sad, I mean in every blog I read that we need space. This really is serious.


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